26 février 2025 | Articles

English Weather, News, and Events - February 26, 2025



Nice to wake up to about 11 centimetres of soft fresh snow
decorating our village and 15 on the pistes.
Cloudy sky this morning,
with a small amount of snow  down to 700 metres.
But the clouds part in the middle of the day,
before we enjoy a clear sky tonight.
Coolish day, with wind of up to 40 km/hour on the mountain.

At 9.50 the temperature is

  • -3° in the Village.
  • -9° on Solaise.
  • -10° on Bellevarde.
  • -14° on Pisaillas.


In town : make sure your car is properly, legally, equipped,
before driving on the snow.

Out of town…Remember the landslide near Moutiers ?
On the first of the month ?
A change-over-Saturday ……..
If you were there, you won’t have forgotten it.
They are doing more work on the repairs and reinforcement today.
Fancy new netting…………strong enough to withstand a force of 8000 kilojoules.
So if you are travelling  between Albertville and Moutier this morning
Leave more time - the traffic will be slower, especially 10-11.30.
The main road will be closed to traffic in the Gorges de Ponserand.
Goes without saying -drive very carefully near the roadworks.
The guys are working as hard as possible, to get it ready ASAP.


For the most up-to-date information please click here.

Here are the highlights of the ski report.
Light cold fresh  snow !
Always good in a ski resort
Only 1 lift and 2 pistes will be closed all day.
Most pistes were groomed last night but then were snowed on.
The Greener grade slopes were groomed later in the night
so should be both soft and smooth
Velvet snow on a smooth base is perfect for most of us,
but trickier for beginners.
Take it easy !
Particularly when you don’t have sun to shine on the snow.
The surface gets more and more chopped up as skiers turn.
When your legs are tired, take the lift down,
as lower slopes get more and more difficult as the day goes on.

The upper parts of the OK and Orange, and the Raye
will be closed this morning for training, but then open to everyone.
Parts of the Snow Park were groomed this morning.
Don’t forget the competition : from 13.30.
Go and show off ! Win a prize !
The lower part of the Epaule du Charvet
was not groomed last night.

The 3000 lift and piste are closed.
The Eccureuil ski touring track is never groomed.

Everything is open except the Tunnel.
The Foret is never groomed.

Everything is open and groomed.

Everything is open and groomed including the tobogganing area.

The avalanche risk today is 2 out of 5, as not much wind,
and only 15 centimetres of snow.
Lowish but never no risk. There are still slabs out there.
If tempted to ski off piste look closely at your group.
Do they all have a beep, probe and shovel ?
Know how to use them ?
Could they help you in an emergency ?
Listen to any doubts…Stay on piste or book to ski with a mountain guide.

If you are going to Tignes use the Tommeuse or  Borsat chairlifts.

Please control your speed at all times, particularly approaching
the nursery slope and the quiet zones.

HOWEVER Speed freaks….
On Friday morning the pisteurs are setting up a Super G Track on the Borsat.
Anyone can have a go.
Ski one by one, at your speed, however fast, however slow.
First time they have done this.
If all goes well it could become a regular Friday feature.

All of our walking, multi activity
And cross country tracks are open
Les Sources was not groomed last night.


Back to last weeks audacious burglary of the Crazy Barmes,
when someone nipped off with a safe containing 9000  euros.
Both the gendarmes and the town police are on the case.
CCTV footage, fingerprints, DNA  are all being analysed by experts.
2 lines of enquiry, either an "inside job", or “Organised” crime.
There have been similar events across the Tarentaise recently –
Les Arc, La Plagne and CourcheveL.

Are you a  freestyle freak ?
There is a Competition at the Snowpark at 13.30, rather than the usual 11.00.
Open to Everyone !
Skiers !
snowboarders !  
Come and show off your talent !
Loads of Prizes to be won.
It is very relaxed - free to take part, register on arrival.
Helmets are strongly recommended
and it all finishes with  a barbeque.

Another Wednesday, another children’s show….
At 18.00 in our Conference Centre the group R2 Jeux
mix music, dance and fun routines.
Come and look inside their old toy box.
A mixture of memories, from times gone by.
Book at the Tourist Office until 17.00,
or at the Conference Centre from 17.30.

5 more Val Regulars are now proudly sporting loyalty medals !
Copper for 11 years, bronze for 24 years.
Then 3 big golds for more than 50 years each.
One medal winning couple met on New Years Eve in Val d’Isėre.
Another bought an apartment here in 1988 when property was
even cheaper than it is today. Good investment !
A medal ceremony rarely passes without Gerard Mattis being present,
or at least fondly mentioned.
Last night was no exception.
Not only as the father of Audrey, one of the sponsors,
but always as a support, inspiration, friend, The Spirit of Val.
Yesterday it was even suggested that instead of “loyalty medals”
they are renamed
“The Gerard Mattis Medal”.


If you have toddlers or small children
2 years old or older
who can understand French
come to the Multimedia library for a story fest.
Free of charge.

13.30 Competition at the Val d’Isere Snowpark.
Open to Everyone !
Come and show off your talent and compete to win one, or more, of the many prizes !
Whether you ski or snowboard there will be a class to suit you.
Or come and cheer on the competitors.  
It is Free to take part. Free to watch.
Please register to compete when you arrive at the Snow Park.
It will be followed by a barbeque for the competitors.
Helmets are strongly recommended (for competition, optional for the barbeque !)

Come and discover the Val Kids area
at the top of Solaise –
– just as you get out of the bubble, and just below the Lounge
(building at the top of the bubble with toilets, rest and picnic area inside) .
You will be shown some of the
‘behind the scenes’ activities of the teams
that work hard to protect you 
and make your holiday special.  
Learn how they make snow, the emergency services work.
Avalanche dogs are trained.

17.00 – 18.00
Video game tournament in the Cinema  
An immersive experience,
Bring your competitive spirit, passion, talent and adrenaline….
Only16 places
You must be over 6 .
Reserve  + 33 4 79 06 29 20)
Or email mediatheque@valdisere.fr.


Come to the Savonnette piste for this fun and free experience.
The snow bodyboard is controlled by transferring your weight
and gives you the impression that you are
flying above the surface of the snow.
You must wear a helmet and be over 9 years of age.
Children must be accompanied by a parent.

Another Wednesday, another children’s show in our Conference Centre.
The group “R2 Jeux” mix music, dance, fun routines.
Come and look inside their old toy box.
A mixture of memories, from times gone by.
Book at the Tourist Office until 17.00,
or at the Conference Centre from 17.30.
Adults 10 euros, children 6 euros.

19.30 – 21.30
Head to the evening event at the Swimming Pool and Sports centre.
You are invited to relax after 19.30 until the centre closes at 22.00.
Anyone who buys a ticket for the swimming pool,
can take also use the Wellness Centre’s jacuzzies, saunas and the hammam
without paying the usual extra charge.

The latest version of Marvel Comic hero
“Captain America : Brave New World”
Is showing in our cinema in English.
Starring Harrison Ford  and Anthony Mackie.

Looking ahead to tomorrow - think about booking :

10.00 – 11.30
Design your own Tote bag
At the multimedia library
Open to all ten year olds
Or anyone even older than that
Maximum of ten people.
Please reserve by phoning or emailing the library.
+ 33 4 79 06 29 20

A few messages from our Partners

La Corniche.
This local restaurant, just behind the Church
so a mere snow ball’s throw from the snow front,
has a sunny terrace sheltered from the wind
that is open for lunch.
Come and try their delicious traditional Savoyard dishes.

The restaurant, “Les Fils à Maman »
at the edge of the nursery slope, on the bottom of Bellevarde
Has a new concept this winter.
“Parents dinner”
are offering the chance to have a cosy, romantic dinner for 2,
or with friends,
after 19.00, while their team entertain your children.
For no extra charge !
Don’t forget to book.

Free public transport

Free local Buses

The red shuttle bus (‘le train rouge’) runs between La Daille and Le Fornet, via the roundabout adjacent to the nursery slopes (‘Rond-point des pistes’)
It leaves la Daille every 10 minutes from 07.00 to 19.50 and then every 20 minutes until 02.10.  
The night bus leaves Le Fornet at 20.10 then every 20 minutes until 2.30.

The blue shuttle bus (‘le train bleu’) travels between the Rond-point des pistes and Legettaz every 15 minutes from 08.30 to 23.00.

The yellow shuttle bus (‘le train jaune’) takes you to the Manchet valley via the main street and the rue de la Balme and Rond Point des pistes every 20 minutes from 08.30 to 23.20.

The Purple shuttle bus between Val d’Isère and Tignes : leaves the new bus station at La Daille at
07.55 8.35 10.50 16.25 17.25 18.20.  
On request it will stop at La Reculaz and Villaret du Nial.
It leaves Tignes 1800 at 08.05 8.45 11.00 16.35 17.35 and 18.30.

Opening Times

The Swimming Pool and Sports Centre is open from 07.30 to 22.00.

The Tourist Office is open from 08.30 to 19.30.

The Multimedia Library is open from 10.00 to 12.00 and 14.00 to 18.00.

The Town Hall (La Mairie) is open from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00.

The Association for Employees in Val d’Isère (Vie Val Dis) is open from 09.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00.

The Reservation Centre (On the Lower Ground Floor of the Tourist Office) is open from 08.30 to 19.00.

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