Winter hasn't abandoned us !
Snowing again, nice flakes falling straight down and another 10 centimetres on our pistes overnight,
and even sticking to the roads.
Irritating for those who followed the law and legally replaced their snow tyres on the 1st April !
The wind had dropped by about 04.00 and there was a good freeze.
The temperature continues to drop and at 9.30 is :
- -4° in the Village.
- -8° on Solaise.
- -9° on Bellevarde.
- -13° on Pisaillas.
The maximum temperature at 2000 metres will be -4°
No problems are expected on the roads today, if your car is suitable equipped.
Those with snow tyres still on will be feeling quite smug !
There was a worrying few minutes this morning,
as the bus bringing many of our lift team on their
daily journey from Bourg St Maurice, broke down.......
Luckily plenty of lift operators live in Val
and stepped into the breech
so most lifts managed to open on time.
All our lifts are open today,
EXCEPT the 3000 draglift -
there was some confusion
and at one point we were told that it was open,
but that was fake-news !
The following pistes are closed
- Joseray
- 3J
- G
The lower areas are getting thin so the following are probably closed for the season :
- Brinzei touring track
The lower parts of the
- Marmottons
- Signal
- Epaule du Charvet
- Diebold
There is training this morning
on the upper part of the Orange and OK
Boarder cross isn’t yet open – I suspect due to visibility, or lack of.
The following were not groomed :
- Fôret
- Petit Bois
- Tunnel
- Combe Martin
- Glaciers
- Borsat
- Top part of Epaule du Charvet (bottom is closed)
Tignes can be accessed via the Tommeuses and the Borsat chairlifts.
The avalanche risk today is 2 out of 5.
The snow is fresh, and cold but still be careful if heading off piste, particularly in today's poor viz.
The mountain has plenty of tricks and traps.
Always ski with people who could find you and dig you out, quickly.
If in doubt about your 'friends', book to ski with a mountain guide.
Cross country skiers can enjoy the tracks
- In the Manchet
- And Lac d'Ouillette
All our walking paths are open except for
- Les Branges
- Joseray
Another successful day for our Adventure and Discovery Festival, with even 350 tuned in online.
Tonights grand finale includes
« Son of the Wind »
documenting a 2000 kilometre solo walk through the mountains of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan,
followed by the final film of the competition
“The line of the angeL”
where a slackliner, using a 2 centimetre strap
attempts to cross the bay of Mont St Michel.
The awards ceremony follows at 21.00.
Ahead of all that, this morning, before hosting tonight’s event
Sylvian Tesson will be at the Savoyarde Hotel presenting his book 'With the fairies'.
Yesterdays snow didn't deter the intripid Monoskiers, for their World Championships.
Nothing like British Ambition, could we say madness....
some were attempting the parallel slalom, groomed to FIS international competition standards,
for the first time, showing a style that my perceptive colleague has described as 'unusual'.
And let’s not forget the 80's outfits …....
Visual evidence, moving and stationary is available on our website.
The Tsanteleina hosted one of this winter's last medal ceremonies,
so it was fitting that a real-life charming Prince
was presented with a Gold medal after returning here for nearly 60 years,
yet still keen to ski our recently reopened steep, black, bumpy Tunnel piste.
Bravo !
Adventure and Discovery Festival.
Films in the competition today :
« Fils du vent » (Son of the Wind)
52 minutes
« La ligne de l'Ange » (The line of the angel)
42 minutes
Closing Ceremony and prize giving.
Pack your binoculars and head to le Fornet, and meet the Bailletaz park rangers
on the path that leads towards le Pont St Charles.
They will enthusiastically point out the wild life,
and explain how they survive the winter.
If you don't have your own binos, I am pretty sure they will lend you theirs.
Tomorrow, Friday 19th April, from 19.00.
You can take the Solaise Bubble lift which will be open for GIGI's guests
and enjoy eating under the stars, at 2551 metres.
This is always a special ride,
both seeing the night lights of Val and taking you away from the
hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Please remember to ~
phone +33 4 58 83 00 91
or email
to reserve your place
Gigi Restaurant
The Signal Restaurant, at the top of the Fornet cable car is preparing for a
party weekend !
Friday 19th April for 3 days.
Le Fornet then closes on 21st for the start of the huge building project,
replacing the elderly bubble lifts
and having new buildings and bubbles in place for the start of next winter.
DJs will be on the terrace playing music at the Signal 12.00 - 19.00.
Pedestrians can go up for free in the cable car 17.00 - 18.00.
The party will then continue at the Poya restaurant,
on the main street opposite the bus station, until 02.00.
CASH 2000
The end-of-season clearance sale is ON.
Lots of frozen foods and groceries at 50% off.
And a wide range of drinks: beer, fruit juices and soft drinks at 25 cents each.
Open Monday to Saturday, 7am to 12.30pm.
Last day open: Friday 3 May.
NB Alcohol is dangerous for your health.
The red shuttle bus (‘le train rouge’) runs between La Daille and Le Fornet, via the roundabout adjacent to the nursery slopes (‘Rond-point des pistes’) every 6 minutes from 07.00 to 20.00 and then every 20 minutes until 02.00.
The blue shuttle bus (‘le train bleu’) travels between the Rond-point des pistes and Legettaz every 15 minutes from 08.30 to 23.20.
The yellow shuttle bus (‘le train jaune’) takes you to the Manchet valley via the main street and the rue de la Balme every 20 minutes from 08.30 to 23.20.
The shuttle bus between Val d’Isère and Tignes does 6 round trips a day.
- Leaving La Daille at 07.55, 08.35 and 10.50 in the morning and 16.25, 17.25 and 18.20 pm in the afternoon
- Leaving Tignes 1800 at 8.05, 8.45 and 11.00, in the morning and 16.35, 17.35 and 18.30 in the afternoon.
The Swimming Pool and Sports Centre is open from 10.00 to 21.00.
The Tourist Office is open from 08.30 to 19.30.
The Multimedia Library is open from 14.00 to 18.00.
The Town Hall (La Mairie) is open from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00.
The Reservation Centre (On the Lower Ground Floor of the Tourist Office) is open from 08.30 to 19.00.
The Post Office is open from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 14.00 to 17.30.
The Club for Employees in Val d’Isère (Vie Val Dis) is open 15.00 - 18.00.